Farm Scout Pro
Farm Scout Pro is the most advanced scouting app on the market today. Farm Scout Pro brings you two ways to scout:
Crop Scout:
- Use Farm Scout Pro to record insects, diseases and weeds among your crop.
- Create field boundaries using GPS.
- Get turn-by-turn directions to drawn fields.
- Diagnose field issues by tissue & soil sampling. Send to the lab of your choice for analysis.
- Take geo-referenced notes and pics if you would like add additional information to your scouted object.
Field Scout:
- Easily geo-locate, mark, and count rocks, down limbs, gullies, wildlife, property boundaries, down fence posts, or anything worth noting in your field.
- Take georeferenced notes and pics with each marked point if you would like to add additional information to your scouted object.
System Includes:
- 1 Farm Scout Pro Web Headquarters
- 1 Farm Scout Pro Mobile
- Unlimited Customer Support